Friday, June 03, 2005

Star Wars III Review

I love Star Wars, but I refused to become overly obsessed with it. I loved the movies Star Wars and the Empire Strikes back and thought the others were all OK. But this one is the one I have been waiting for---and damned it if didn't deliver. It was action-packed from begining to end, only slowing down to establish dialogue. It has one of this longest sword fighting scenes in movies and brilliantly shows the downfall of the tragic hero Anakin Skywalker and the rise of Dark Vader. Not a Star Wars fan, no problem. It's not required to have seen any of the other 5 movies to follow the plot. Here's the catch though. If you have kids there is something about this movie you should know. Episodes IV, V, and VI were done in the late 70s/early 80s. Episodes I and II were done in 99 and 2002. These movies are all good kids' movies. This one is not. It is rated PG-13 and there is a reason. The violence is overwhelming to some kids. The is a scene early in the film where a decapitaion takes place. Children (yes children) are even killed in one scene. While this scene does not actually show the killings themselves it shows the horrifying moment where the children are about the be killed and is later confirmed by someone reviewing a recording later in the film. My own children would not have been allowed to see this had they been just a little younger. They handled the film just fine, even though they were amazed at how horrifying the scene involving the children's deaths had been even though no viloent act was even shown there. Oh yeah and there is someone who is burned severely... Your kids can always see this when they get a little older like 9 or 10(5 and 6 year olds should NOT be seeing this movie). Oh yes and contrary to popular believe Jar Jar is in this movie. He has no speaking role and was not even noticed by most people.


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